Friday, June 22, 2012

Today's the Day!

I cannot believe it's finally here! At 7:50am tomorrow morning (their time), I will be in London! I absolutely can't wait to meet the other 7 students I'll be traveling with. I think we have a really great group and it will be fun getting to know them over the next 6 weeks. The past couple days have been very stressful for two main reasons. Of course, my computer would break the week before I am supposed to leave. It had to be sent out and after about 10 calls to Best Buy, I finally have a "loaner" for the trip. What a fiasco. The second stresser was packing! I was so excited Wednesday night because I thought I was able to fit all of my belongings in a suitcase all under 50 lbs. Well, I was wrong. My sister discovered a gaping hole in my suitcase, so I had to switch a much heavier one. After a near mental breakdown and help from Abby and Dad, I managed to make the suitcase situation work. With a purse, large duffel bag, backpack, and enornmous suitcase, I am all packed and ready to go! So the plan for the day: we are leaving to go get lunch as a family before we all depart, then we are headed to the airport. My family is going to drop me off and then drive the 5 and a half hours to Murray State to drop Abby off for her 5 weeks at the Governor's Scholar Program (she's such a smarty pants!). This summer is a really great one for our family. So many exciting opportunities. I can't wait to see what it has in store for us, especially me in Wales!

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