I've been getting behind on my blog posts because we've been doing so much here! I hope everyone had an amazing 4th. It was really weird being in a foreign country when everyone back home is celebrating America. It was a really good day though. We went on a long drive through the valleys of South Wales. I can honestly say that Wales is the most beautiful place I have been in my entire life. We had some of the best views yesterday. It was raining, so we would've been able to see even more if it was dry (but it's not dry often here). The mist would fill into the valleys so we couldn't see as far. We actually hiked to the peak of the tallest (or second tallest, I can't remember) mountain in south Wales, which was something else. I was so tired by the time we made it to the top! I also realized why I don't hike mountains for fun. Just kidding, it was fun but just very exhausting! Reaching the top was rewarding, but we couldn't see a thing once we got up there. It was frigid cold and we were soaking wet. Luckily, I had a rain jacket on. I actually had to peel it off me once we made it back to the bottom because the rain had soaked through it. It was actually Gary's birthday yesterday too, so we had cake on the mini bus, which was a messy experience. Then later on that night we went to see the musical "Wonderful Town". It was set in New York City, so I guess that was our dose of America for the 4th. Today was a lot more relaxed, which came at a good time because I've been tired lately. I got a lot of stuff done this morning, did some laundry, and worked on my paper. This afternoon we went on a boat out into the bay and sea, which was amazing. The weather was great, so we lucked out especially since it had been raining for a few days straight. We went out to two islands mid way between Wales and England. We learned that they were used during the wars and that there was a lot of history behind them, but I was just obsessed with how pretty they were! We even got to have tea on the boat (we're becoming more British every day!). Then tonight a couple of us went to the pub. Tomorrow is our last day in Cardiff which is really bittersweet. We've all grown really close to the staff here and have fallen in love with the city. At the same time, we're excited to move onto Bangor and experience something completely different from Cardiff. Lots of pictures on this post! I had to cover two days, and they have been the days we've been to the most beautiful places!

Overlooking one of the valleys in south Wales
True fact: There are 4 times as many sheep in Wales as there are people
Gary is absent because he was trying to get the sheep to come to him haha
I could have looked at these views for hours, mist and all
The base of the mountain (doesn't look too tall because of the mist, but trust me it was!)
The stream that ran through the mountain
We had to walk over the stream multiple times on our way up
Emily trudging up in the rain
Us at the top! (As you can see, we had no view because of the rain)
Long way up
I made it! Ignore my hood, it was super windy
It began to clear up on our way back down
Prettiest hills and valleys I've ever seen
Aboard the Guiding Light
Lighthouse on the island
The weather was perfect!
The steep island (the other one was flat). There were buildings on there as well
The crew with our captains!
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